Over the last month my life has been generally consumed by what my husband and I fondly refer to as "the lopes."  ENVELOPES.  Obscene amounts of envelopes.  1,286 envelopes to be exact.  Yes.  You did read that correctly.  Seven different styles in five different colors, sometimes starting at 5am and ending at midnight.  I wish I could say that I enjoyed every minute it of it, but I won't lie, there were definitely WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?! moments.  But, as I sent the last shipment out, I felt good, accomplished, and better educated about what I can and can't handle (physically and mentally!) in terms of my work load.  A few tears and thumb cramps and countless hand rubs later, I am happy to say I have seven happy brides, and one happy (but tired) calligrapher!  

I promise to do more specialized posts on everything, but for now, here's a sneak peak at THE LOPES!